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Today, every inbox receives multiple marketing messages daily, and brands strive to stand out from this crowd. What should we pay attention to, and what trends can we expect in 2024?

In 2023, AI exploded into our lives, and this did not bypass email newsletters: artificial intelligence generated subject lines and crafted CTAs, but it also made advancements in scheduled emails. We can be sure that AI will be even more helpful in 2024, especially concerning personalized content and optimization.

However, changes are not only expected in the realm of artificial intelligence. Since newsletters remain a popular communication tool, we have gathered a few opportunities worth considering if we bombard potential buyers in this format as well.

Personalized Content

As mentioned earlier, users receive several newsletters daily. The challenge is to get these emails opened so that our message reaches its target. Hence, there is a growing demand for sending personalized newsletters tailored to users’ needs and purchasing habits. Today, it’s possible to aim more accurately, based on the products and services they use and the searches they conduct on the merchant’s website.

Dynamic Content, Interactivity, Gamification

Amidst many static emails, a dynamic, unconventional message can be refreshing, allowing for immediate feedback from users. These can include quizzes, polls, sliders already widespread on social media ‘story’ platforms, gamified elements (such as wheels of fortune, scratch cards), GIFs, and videos. Interactive CTA buttons can be placed, providing instant feedback to users by changing their color or size, for example.

Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI)

BIMI is no longer a novelty, as since its introduction in 2021, several brands have been using the opportunity to display their logos alongside the sender’s name in the inbox. This serves to help users determine if the message comes from a credible source. In 2024, more brands are likely to take advantage of this opportunity, as BIMI increases the open rate – which, as we know, is half the battle.

Mobile and Dark Mode Compatibility

User-friendly and battery-saving dark mode is increasingly popular among users, and many email service providers offer this option. Therefore, when creating a newsletter, it’s important to ensure that our email is visually appealing, readable, and aesthetic in both normal and dark modes. It’s almost a given that the newsletter should be created to provide the same reading experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

How to Acquire New Subscribers?

Brands must continuously strive to acquire new subscribers. Former platforms like Twitter (now X), LinkedIn, or Facebook (Meta) can be good platforms for this, but it’s also a solution if already subscribed users promote the newsletter – for this, we need to incentivize them with coupons, discounts, for example.


When it comes to newsletters, there is a whole range of possibilities, as there are many ways to make your message more exciting and interesting than usual. It’s worth following – or even anticipating – trends, as this communication form will remain in fashion for a long time.

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